iClipseGlobal | Preferred Partners
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Preferred Partners

Who We Work With

While we do maintain a legal background, and are very aware of current laws, our team prefers to work with a Public Relations or Legal firm representative of the client.

Most of our partners consider us the digital extension of their practice.  We are not a part of all their work, but we provide an added service they can offer to their clients if it makes sense.

We provide digital and Internet expertise behind the scenes for our Partners.

Frequently, we are brought into the conversation as they are preparing a strategy because they are not always aware of what is possible with the Internet and the tools and expertise we have at our disposal.

Our Competitive Edge


Our dedicated team has your best interest and protection as our main focus. We have developed and continue using the best practices to protect you.


Our service team has experience working with large corporations, individuals and government agencies and we know how to put them first. Our number one priority is always to protect the client.


With over 30 years of experience, our staff is armed with the tools to succeed. Because the Internet is constantly changing, we are always consuming and organizing that data to support our clients.

iClipse, a Digital Risk Mitigation Services company, protects our clients from harmful and threatening acts and people who may damage their reputations via the Internet. By using cutting-edge technology and tradecraft, iClipse is the definitive solution to guarding your online perception.